These Business English Buzzwords Actually Have Italian Equivalents

Fri, 04/14/2023 - 09:50
Giorgia Meloni, Italy's prime minister, in October 2022 / Photo: Alessia Pierdomenico via Shutterstock
Giorgia Meloni, Italy's prime minister, in October 2022 / Photo: Alessia Pierdomenico via Shutterstock

You may have heard about the latest language-led controversy making Italian headlines: At the end of March, Fabio Rampelli of Fratelli d’Italia — the hard-right party at the helm of Italy’s current government — proposed legislation that would penalize public and private institutions and companies who use English or other foreign language terms in official communications. Fines would range from €5,000 to €100,000 ($5330 to $110,620). 

Rampelli’s defenses for the draft bill

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